The project outcome: The VET@work manual
The VET@work manual provides VET providers and employers to set up transparent and sustainable collaborations that prepares vocational education students to the world of work.

The VET@work manual consists of 5 main chapters and several subchapters. You can either read the whole manual by clicking on the link here: VET@work manual or choose which parts you want to get familiar with by clicking on the headings that are underlined below
2. About
3. Methodologies
- Six steps to sell VET@work collaborations
- 10 tips on what to avoid when setting up VET@work collaborations
- 12 tested methodologies (to access the methodologies click on the links below)
- Proud to be a mentor or learning master
4. Benefits and obstacles
- Benefits

The VET@work team during the final meeting of the project