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Our mission is to make the pedagogical collaboration between VET and Work stronger and transparent

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VET@work is an Erasmus+ KA2 project funded by the European Commission through the Finnish National Agency of Education. It is a continuation of several successful Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+ KA2 projects including POETE, WorkMentor (selected as a Success Story), WorkQual and AppMentor (winner of the European Innovative Teaching Award 2021).


The idea for this project grew during the AppMentor project. We became aware that employers and VET providers lack a common language and the tools to equip students with the right skills for the labor market. Collaboration between employer and VET Provider is so varied and does not provide a consistent learning experience for students.


 We wanted to implement a project in which both VET providers and employers collaborate side by side, transparently and with an open mind, to discover tools that help VET providers and employers set up and implement qualitative and transparent collaborations. The aim being to test methodologies and practices that would ensure that the VET students get the skills needed to successfully enter the labor market.


During the project's life-span, VET providers and employers involved held regular transnational and online work meetings focusing on topics and methodologies that encourage and help future VET@work collaborations. During the meetings we have shared ideas and experiences, interviewing and learning from experts including VET providers, students, teachers, employers and employees (work mentors), and VET providers not directly involved in the project.


The VET@work team want to thank everyone who have given this project their valuable time and input. Your willingness to assist and give us feedback is extremely valuable and we are extremely grateful for all contributions that has made it possible to develop an online manual that we are proud of.


Our main aim is to help VET providers and employers improve their quality of collaboration whether a new or already existing collaboration between vocational education and the world of work. To reach this aim we have been sharing best practices, examining obstacles that prevents collaborations and highlighting the benefits that VET@work collaborations have on VET, employers and students. We also wanted to provide the users with methodologies and case studies that showcase different ways of collaborations. Some cases are for beginners and some for those who are more experienced in VET@work collaborations. We also share tips and ideas on how to sell and implement VET@work collaborations and help get started by launching a simple online self-evaluation that will indicate how ready a VET provider or an employer is to set up and implement VET@work collaborations.


This website is the project's website that is aimed to be used when disseminating the project. The projects intellectual output can be find here:

"Train people well enough so that they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don't want to"

- Sir Richard Branson

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