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The AppMentor Online Training Course is now available now in English, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Dutch, French and Spanish! You can access the AppMentor online course by clicking on the link below


The AppMentor Online Training course


The  AppMentor Online Training Course is split into online chapters that will focus on:


1)Introducing Coaching and Mentoring during work based learning in general. This chapter is divided into the following subchapters: Definitions of work based learning, benefits, responsibilities, qualities, boundaries, barriers, expectations and agreements. 


2) Skills of a coach/mentor. 

A good coach/mentor must possess the following skills in order to be able to support and educate a student/learner during work based learning: Listening, questioning, paraphrasing, giving feedback and problem solving 


3) Coaching and Mentoring in Practice 

The course will provide information about the mentoring process that consists of: Preparation and planning, mentoring conversations, goal setting, reflection and action planning


4) Using Social Media for coaching and mentoring

This chapter gives you general information about the pros and cons of implementing social media in the mentoring process and suggestions on how you could start using different apps in the mentoring. The Apps we selected to describe a bit more are the following: Facebook, Workplace, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Trello and Wunderlist



Why is there a need to have an online training course for work mentors and mentoring teachers:


The main benefit is that can be used to facilitate and strengthen the quality of the mentoring process. It gives work mentors and new mentoring teachers the opportunity to learn about what mentoring should focus on and how to support students to learn the competences that they need in order to be employable after their graduation


In todays world there is a need to implement social media into the mentoring process. Using different Apps while mentoring will strengthen the learning process and it will make the learning more transparent.The online training course will describe and suggest what kind of social media to use when mentoring students during work based learning and why we feel these will improve the quality of the mentoring process and how it supports peer learning.

Guidelines to implement mobile technology and social media in the mentoring process during work based learning


The online guidelines will provide the employer/work mentor, mentoring teacher and the students with information about how to use the social media/mobile technology described in the online manual and will thus support the mentoring process. The guidelines will give suggestions to what kind of social media fits what kind of activity and what is considered as correct communication when it comes to social media, ethics and other topics relevant to the mentoring process.

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